Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Best Buy's Code of Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Best Buy's Code of Ethics - Essay Example 34). Best Buy (2009) defines ethics as â€Å"putting principles into action,† which to the company is a matter of integrity and self-restraint (p. 1). Aiming â€Å"to be a responsible, values-driven global enterprise,† (p. 6), Best Buy declares its values into four strong statements: (1) â€Å"unleash the power of our people;† (2) â€Å"learn from challenge and change;† (3) â€Å"show respect, humility and integrity;† and (4) â€Å"have fun while being the best† (p. 5). These are achieved through mutual partnership, honest and accurate information, respect for employees’ autonomy, recognition of work, strict observance of confidentiality, zero-tolerance on retaliation, responsibility to stakeholders, respect for diversity, legal compliances, health and safety in the workplace, respect for the physical environment, financial integrity, fair competition, corporate social responsibility, protection and proper use of company assets, and pr otecting intellectual property. These values are well-ingrained in the companies stated responsibilities: Responsibility to each other – deals with the company’s internal environment, ranging from the relationship of management to employees, employees to the company, and employees to their co-employees; responsibility to customers – tackles the company’s ethics in advertising, market distribution, and relationship with diverse customers; responsibility to shareholders – emphasizes financial integrity, transparency, and the safeguarding of the company’s assets; responsibility to business associates – highlights fair competition and conflict of interest; responsibility to communities – spells out the company’s corporate social responsibility and its legal and responsible global operations; and the special obligations of employees with financial reporting responsibilities -- stresses honesty, accountability, compliance, obj ectivity, promptness, and full disclosure. Following Takamine’s Justice Model, which integrated both the Blanchard-Peale Model and Velasquez Model (Takamine, Date, p. 38), Best Buy’s code of ethic

Public Administration Theory application Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Public Administration Theory application - Essay Example Included in the paper will be a theoretical perspective of the problem and theory selected. Various areas that may be specifically impacted and a problem analysis addressing the rates of graduation and test scores, additionally a solution analysis will be included with hypothetical returns based on current observations and available data. Ohio High Schools and the need for change Public education in Ohio In the school year ending in 2006 approximately 74% of all students in Ohio high schools graduated with a regular diploma. One contributing factor in this may be the earnings gap that exists with those not graduating generally making $10,000 less annually. (Alliance of an excellent education, 2009) In a 2008 report by the Americas Promise Alliance education group found that there was a large disparity in urban graduation rates versus suburban graduation rates, Columbus Ohio for instance averaged 40.9% graduation rate while the suburban districts had an average graduation rate of 82.9 % showing a glaring disparity in the two geographical areas. (Swanson, P.h.D, 2008 p. 12) This glaring disparity does bring the idea that there may be race related issues as well, though it is likely it is simply the result of economic changes and geographical location. As can be seen with the available information there is a difference between urban and suburban locations and school districts. Overall scores in the state of Ohio increased in the school year ending in 2008 from the school year ending in 2000; however, these scores were down from the school year ending in 2006 from 92.9 to 92.3. (Ohio Department of Education, 2008) More importantly the disparity in graduation numbers still exists, which while the test scores are improving the reduced graduation in urban areas remains a problem. There have been local attempts at improving the level of education and rates of students graduating specifically from Cleveland Ohio. One of those efforts encompasses the philosophy that livin g away from home may in fact assist with the student’s ability to learn. Educational Options LLC., offers a private solution for a public issue. The founder Ms. Simon offers a service which locates educational opportunities for teens with learning disabilities, from oppositional behavior through Autistic Spectrum Disorders. (Simon, 2011) Organizational theory, symbolic interactionism relating to the disparity of rates Symbolic interactionism as a theory focuses on the individual versus the more general societal implications of organizational theory. Within the public school system specifically within the Ohio High School public education program this approach would be a positive benefit. Sociologist Herbert Blumer defined the theory with three core principles. The first was meaning which states that humans act or react based on the meaning they have given those people or things they are reacting to. The second was language, which allows humans a means to negotiate through the meanings they have devised for the objects or persons. This further allows the basis for society as we understand it. The third principle is thought, each person’s thoughts changes the meanings of the symbols and or language. (Nelson, 1998 np) This administration approach applied within the school system would allow for a more specific approach which could assist in preventing the large disparity

Monday, October 28, 2019

Healthcare Organization Essay Example for Free

Healthcare Organization Essay Healthcare organizations are now stepping up their strategies in improving their programs and systems. Business and marketing are collaborated to boost resources which are expected to serve as a benefit to their clients. Considering the fact that HCOs consist of social factors and societal influences, it is vital for healthcare practitioners and most importantly the management to build a stronger foundation and forecast plan for their courses of action. The advent of technology and the tight competition in the market may apparently positively of negatively impact HCOs. Hence, given the appropriate concepts and strategies armed with proper implementation of designed concepts, any HCO is most likely to survive (Longman, 2005). Simple concepts and theories of marketing and organizational behavior will help HCOs in circumstances like risk management, conflicts, human resources and other forms of the like. Analysis Communication is one of the most important fields in any organization. Given the fact that an organization is composed of individuals with varied characteristics and personalities, it is vital for these beings to have a common channel that will serve as a bridge in closing deals and team participations. Technology is perhaps the focal element in creating a robust and efficient means for communication (Mascarenhas, 1995). HCO may take advantage of this communication-related improvement by acquiring the most updated and most effective tools in running the organization. The most recent sparks of idea which proved to be of great help to healthcare practitioners are e-Prescription and e-Documentation. It paved a way for HCO to make their services become more available not only to clients within their vicinity but globally. Through the help of the internet, they are able to endorse their products and their services with just a click away. E-Documentation has helped every HCO evidently because it helped in the documentation of patient records and made these files available in a secure database which enabled patients to track their health-related records hassle-free. These developments in communication have even made HCOs all over the world collaborate and communicate efficiently and more rapidly. Earning them the all the time that they need to conduct business. As for the case of the Veterans Health Administration, the entity is fortunate enough to receive help from the state. Even though the benefits that the latter receives continue to be criticized, their organizational, planning and marketing strategy proves to be surfacing in high grounds. They see to it that their programs are not only available and accessible to a popular few but for those who are qualified for their services. Thus, they would need a little improvement with regard to how they generate resources for their facilities. Especially since they are dealing with a continuum of patients that will grow each year, they should employ updated amenities and hear the concerns of their clients. They should make their managerial actions transparent to the public and employ activities that will drive investors to donate for their cause. Conclusions and further remarks Having technology commence in a swift sense is an opportunity for healthcare organizations to make the most out of their capacities.  Citing the problem on VHA, they lack in communication efficiency which in essence should be improved so as to keep their clients’ trust on their ability in healthcare. Healthcare organizations even so need to integrate organizational strategies especially since they are deal with the society (Karlawish, Fox, Pearlman, 2002). Financial stability is also important which is why they should learn how to implement economy-inclined policies and strategies for their philanthropically tending organization.

Wittgensteins Picture Theory in the Tractatus

Wittgensteins Picture Theory in the Tractatus AN EVALUATION OF WITTGENSTEIN’S PICTURE THEORY IN THE TRACTATUS Wittgenstein created the picture theory of meaning in his Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus as a way to look at how design and the mechanics of artistic drawing are translated from an interaction with the physical world as well as to expound on his interests in ethics and the mythical state of existence. This paper explores Wittgenstein’s picture theory as it is explained within his work, Tractatus, in order to understand the true dynamics of what he was trying to propose and how it is still relevant today. Before delving into the obtuse philosophical ideas that Wittgenstein puts forth in his first book, the Tractatus, it is important to take a moment to first get a sense of why the book was written and why it seemed to be so difficult to digest. This book was written while Wittgenstein was serving with the Austrian army during World War I and whilst a prison of war in Italy (Jago 2006: 1). The idea of the book sprung out of his work related to the â€Å"analysis of complex sentences into symbolic components† (Cashell 2005: 6). His theory was that â€Å"if a proto-sign was discovered to represent the universal form of the general proposition, then such a sign would somehow also demonstrate the logical structure underlying language: that which enables language to describe†¦a reality apparently indifferent to our description of it† (Cashell 2005: 6). His conclusion that â€Å"the relational form (logo) co-ordinating thought, language and the world was pictorial in natu re† (Cashell 2005: 6), setting the foundation for the Tractatus. The book is written in a condensed writing style that reflects the depth and complexity of what Wittgenstein was trying to express in as logical manner as possible (Jago 2006: 1). Wittgenstein divided the book up into a series of numbered paragraphs that represented seven integer propositions and created an outline of the book (Hauptli 2006: 6). The Tractatus was the vehicle that Wittgenstein used to explain his picture theory. It is important to note that the picture theory did not just mean visual images. The theory also incorporated language, music, art, and engineering. Primarily, Wittgenstein relied on engineering, or projection drawing, as the basis for the picture theory because it seemed like the easiest way to explain his ideas (Biggs 2000: 7). His main objective in creating the Tractatus was to â€Å"determine the limit of expression of thought† and â€Å"establish the notion of the projective form in his picture theory† by making â€Å"a logical correspondence between the language and reality† (Actus 2007: 2-3). The picture theory is defined as â€Å"a theory of intentionality, i.e. aboutness† (Mandik 2003: 2). The premise of this theory attempted to make â€Å"an explicit distinction between what can be said and what can be shown† (Biggs 2000: 7). In simplifying what he was trying to say, the basic idea of the theory â€Å"says the function of language is to allow us to picture things† (Jago 2006: 1). Wittgenstein was fascinated with the idea of how to achieve pure realism in visual, artistic, and language mediums (Mandik 2003: 1). It is about using these mediums to create â€Å"the identification of aboutness with resemblance: something is about that which it resembles† (Mandik 2003: 2). Everything is based on the fact that observations are made of â€Å"how paintings and photographs represent their subjects,† meaning they have the properties of those objects but have the inability to be the same as those objects (Mandik 2003: 3). Since anything can resem ble a number of objects without being those objects, there is much that is open to interpretation just like words used in sentences can have a lot of meanings (Mandik 2003: 4). However, Wittgenstein did suggest that there had to be a logical connection between the reality and the picture projected of that reality (Actus 2007: 1). In delving farther into the idea of what can be said and what can be shown, many who have studied the picture theory believe that it is based on the analogy of depiction where â€Å"an engineering drawing is derived by means of projection from the object, and the way in which language and/or thought is derived from the world around us† (Biggs 2000: 1). This analogy does not mean that the world is like the representation but instead is based on an interpretation of what the artist or mechanical engineer sees from their perspective (Biggs 2002: 2). This means that â€Å"language or other forms of representation stand in a relationship to the objects that they represent, and this relationship is analogous to the relationship that subsists between pictures and objects† (Biggs 2000: 7). Wittgenstein’s depiction of performance spoke about the ability to â€Å"reconstruct an object from its representation, to reconstruct a thought from a sentence, etc.† (Biggs 20 00: 4). It is important to emphasize here that â€Å"what a picture means is independent of whether it is a truthful representation or not† (Jago 2006: 1). What is more important is the idea â€Å"that the lines in the diagram are related together in a way that mimics the way the things they correspond to are related† (Jago 2006: 1). In this way, he made the distinction between showing and saying (Mandik 2003: 1). It is important that pictures showed something instead of said something, doing this through grammar, form, or logic within the human and natural languages (Hauptli 2006: 3). Instead of simply trying to interpret what the world appears to look like, Wittgenstein took it to the next level by trying to â€Å"operate within the model and draw conclusions about properties in the world† (Biggs 2000: 3). Labelled the â€Å"theory of description, he elucidates logically the essential situation when the languages describe the reality† (Actus 2007: 3). This is where the â€Å"thing is whether it keeps a proper (right) relation to the reality (Actus 2007: 3). This involved actual mathematical calculations rather than simple depictions and moved the person toward â€Å"graphical statics and dynamic models† (Biggs 2000: 3). In carrying this thought process over into the world of language, Wittgenstein then believed that a method could be constructed that enabled decisions related to ethical matters and other intangible ideals (Biggs 2000: 3). Overall, Wittgenstein was looking to achieve â€Å"a perfect language† (Biggs 2000: 6). His theory of language says that â€Å"sentence work like pictures: their purpose is also to picture possible situations† (Jago 2006: 2). His philosophy was not concerned with mental pictures that come from language but relied on â€Å"a more abstract notion of a picture, as something that either agrees or disagrees with any way the world might have been, and which says, this is the way things actually are† (Jago 2006: 2). In other words, â€Å"For sentences to have sense, they can not depend exclusively on the sense of other sentences – ultimately there must be elementary propositions which get their sense not from other sentences, but rather direct ly from the world† (Hauptli 2006: 3). To Wittgenstein, the world is comprised of â€Å"simples, which are named by certain words† that are put into a certain number of combinations that create reality (Hauptli 2006: 3). This other viewpoint on Wittgenstein’s picture theory has become known as the â€Å"form-of-life,† which was about the â€Å"general relationship of notation and conceivability† (Biggs 2000: 7). This invoked the idea that Wittgenstein proposed that humans try to â€Å"live from the nature of the world† rather than just imitating or depicting it (Biggs 2000: 7). This would allow humans to â€Å"understand the reality of life† which is currently unexplainable because it is hard to see directly (Actus 2007: 3). Going back to the original simplified idea about the theory, language then becomes a way for humans to get in touch and experience the true reality of life and nature. It is this idea of being connected to nature on another level that suggests that Wittgenstein’s picture theory also included his ideas about and interest in the metaphysical. In fact, Albert Levi concluded that the Tractatus represented â€Å"a picture of traditional metaphysical dualism (Cashell 2005: 3). This is evident in his metaphor of the eye in which â€Å"it can see only that which his other than itself† as he says that â€Å"from nothing in the field of sight can it be concluded that it is seem from an eye† (Mandik 2003: 7). In connection to metaphysical beliefs, Wittgenstein â€Å"took language, logic, world and self to be coextensive† and concluded the Tractatus by stating that anyone will truly understand the world once they move beyond his limited suggestions about the world (Mandik 2003: 8-9). His comments here at the end of Tractatus emphasised his belief that â€Å"all philosophical reflection is meaningless† (Jago 2006: 4). Wittgenstein illustrated the difference between that meaninglessness and what he was attempting to do in this book by showing his readers things instead of attempting to draw conclusions for them (Jago 2006: 4). In this way, his book concludes with his interest in the mystic and metaphysical, taking the reader on a journey through his thoughts and creating pictures through the language he uses within the book to show instead of tell. References Actus. (2007). Wittgenstein and his picture theory. Available at: Biggs, M.A.R. (2000). Visualisation and Wittgenstein’s â€Å"Tractatus.† Faculty of Art and Design, University of Hertfordshire, 1-9. Cashell, K. (2005). Attempt to understand Wittgenstein’s picture theory of the proposition. Available at: Hauptli, B. W. (2006). Hauptli’s introduction to the Tractatus. Available at:’sTractatus.html. Jago, M. (2006). Pictures and nonsense. Philosophy Now. Available at: Mandik, P. (2003). Picturing, showing, and solipsism in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus. Available at:

Saturday, October 26, 2019

History of Philippine Cinema :: Philippine Arts Film Movies Essays

History of Philippine Cinema Introduction The youngest of the Philippine arts, film has evolved to become the most popular of all the art forms. Introduced only in 1897, films have ranged from silent movies to talkies; black and white to color. Outpacing its predecessors by gaining public acceptance, from one end of the country to the other, its viewers come from all walks of life. Nationwide, there are more than 1000 movie theaters. Early in the 1980s, it was estimated in Metro Manila alone, there were around 2.5 million moviegoers. As an art form, it reflects the culture and the beliefs of the people it caters to and most times, is the one who shapes their consciousness. Philippine film as discussed in this paper includes films made by Filipino people exhibited in this country and possibly in other countries from the 1930s to the 1990s. The films may be silent pictures or talkies, black and white or color. They also include films such as documentaries, animation, experimental or alternative films and other types of films. This paper has three purposes or objectives. It intends, first of all, to provide a comprehensible background of the art of film in the Philippines. It provides insights on how the Philippine film has influenced Philippine culture and vice-versa. This is done by documenting the important events and important films in the area of film for the past ninety years. Second, it intends to explain the different trends and styles common in the Philippine film. And finally, it concludes with an analysis on how two important events in history, namely World War II and Martial Law altered the course of contemporary Philippine film. However, this paper is limited to films only from the particular time period of the 1930s to the 1990s. It fails to give a picture of how films were like ever since it started in 1897. This paper is also severely limited due to the unavailability and the lack of materials that discuss thoroughly the history of Philippine film. Film materials for those made during the pre-WWII years are simply non-existent. Data for this paper was gathered from the essays and reviews written by the artists and the critics themselves. It goes without saying that the resources were tested to the limits. CHAPTER 1 I. The 1930s to 1940s A. Early Philippine Films Filipinos started making movies in 1919. However, it would be important to know that the film industry in the Philippines began through the initiative of foreign entrepreneurs.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Gravity Essay -- essays research papers

Gravity is really an unknown force. We can define it as a field of influence, and that it effects the entire existence of the universe. Some people think that gravity consists of particles called gravitons, which travel at the speed of light. The only thing we do know is how gravity operates in different parts of our universe. Without gravity, there would be no space and time. There is a legend that says that Galileo once dropped two objects off the Leaning Tower of Pisa to show that the heavier of the two objects dropped faster. If a feather and hammer were the two objects he used then obviously the hammer would hit the ground first. This is due to air resistance, which is the force air exerts on a moving object. This force acts in the opposite direction to that of the object's motion. In the case of a falling object, air resistance pushes up as gravity pulls down, which causes the object to slow down. When Galileo's experiment was repeated on the moon, the hammer and the feather hit the ground at the exact same time. This is due to the fact that the moon has no atmosphere. Therefore, air resistance doesn't exist on the moon. Also, the amount of air resistance on an object depends on the speed, size, shape, and density of the object. The larger the surface area of the object, the greater the amount of air resistance on it. This is why feathers, leaves, and sheets of paper fall more slowly than pennies, acorns, and crumpled balls of paper. There is another legend that states that when Newton was lying against a tree in an orchard, he was struck on the head by an apple. He wondered what provided the acceleration for the apple to fall to the ground. Was this a force of the earth on the apple? If so, then the apple must exert a force on the earth according to Newton’s law of action/reaction forces. Newton applied this theory unto the planets, which orbit the sun. He found by studying astronomical data, that the force that held the earth in orbit around the sun was the same force that drew the apple toward the earth. This was the force of gravity that is given by this scary formula: F = Gm1*Gm2 gravity _______ r^2 F equals the force in Newtons, G equals the gravitational constant which is 6.67 * 10^-11 Nm^2 | kg^2, m1 and m2 equal the mass of each body in kilograms, and finally, r equals the distance between the 2 bodies in meters. If all of this i... ...for the electronic revolution of the twentieth century. Electromagnetic waves not only revolutionized our lives, but also our knowledge of the universe. Astronomers gradually opened the electromagnetic spectrum, first using visible light and then radio, x-rays and gamma rays. Each new part of the spectrum provided us with dramatic new insights into the universe. Einstein predicted gravitational waves in 1916. They have not yet been directly detected on earth, although astronomers Joe Taylor and Russell Hulse received the 1993 Nobel Prize for proof of their existence, by showing that a star system is losing energy by producing gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are a completely new spectrum. If electromagnetic waves let us see the universe, gravitational waves will let us hear the universe. They will provide us with a new sense, the sense of hearing, with which to explore the universe. Gravity is a very complicated subject, but scientists are learning more and more about it as time goes on. Contributions from people such as Newton and Einstein helped shape the way we see things today. Without them, no telling what kind of misconceptions we all might believe in today.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Healthy Lifestyle Among Teenagers Essay

* Definition of Healthy Lifestyle (2011): healthy lifestyle will make you fit, energetic, and reduced risk for disease. * The way to stay healthy and long comfortable life are by doing a lot of exercise, eat healthy food and get enough sleep Body The way to stay healthy and long comfortable life is do a lot of exercise. 1. Have a moderate and regular exercise * Healthy Lifestyle (2011) listed that 30 minutes a day of moderate aerobic exercise can burn calories and build up your heart and lungs recommends by the American Heart Association. * Smith (2011) stated that the American College of Sports Medicine recommends to performing enough cardio work out: 30 minutes a day, five days a week, or a vigorous cardio session for 20 minutes daily. 2. Exercise can avoid dangerous disease. * Herndon (2011) and Lakshmy (2011) listed that the risk of developed certain disease can be reduce by doing regular exercise and promote overall health. * Health Benefit of Exercise (2012) indicates that exercise will improve your blood pressure and cholesterol level and decreasing the chances of suffering chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease and several cancers. Other than that, we can stay healthy and has long comfortable life by eating healthy food. 1. Eat according to the food pyramid. * The Importance of Nutrition (2009) stated that our body needs the right balance of carbohydrates, fats, and protein to stay healthy. * Definition of Healthy Lifestyle (2011) indicates that we need to eat e varied diet to get dozens of essential forms of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, and fats. 2. Limit your size of meal to avoid overweight * Lakshmy (2011) identified to prevent weight gains, we need a balanced diet that is low in fat and sugar that provides you all the required nutrients without excess calories intake. * Pearson (2011) stated that we have to choose product with low fat, fat free dairy product or just substitute with soy milk. In other hand, we have to get enough sleep to stay healthy. 1. Skimping on sleep increase hunger * Health Benefit of Sleep (2010) indicate the researchers of University of Chicago exposed that sleep loss possibly will reduce the ability of the body to regulate hormones that control hunger. * Smith (2011) stated that sleep deprivation triggers release of unwanted hormones. 2. Make brain rest when sleeping. * Definition of Healthy Lifestyle (2011) definite that when you are asleep, the daily metabolism perpetuates the decline and rejuvenation of cellular tissue, and the body’s self repair take place. * Specified that memory consolidation and appetite regulation also occur during sleep. Conclusion It is important to take care of your health by doing the right amount of exercise, eating the right food and get enough rest and sleep. Teenage is seen by many as a time of joy and a time to explore the world vigorously. Despite all of the excitement to enjoy the time and experiencing experience, it is important to have a healthy lifestyle. According to the definition of Healthy Lifestyle (2011), healthy lifestyle will make you fit, energetic, and reduced risk for disease. Living healthy lifestyle is certainly not easy. Living a healthier life can not only extend your life, it can also improve the quality. Feeling physically better and having control over your own life can greatly increase your mental health as well. Although there are some aspects of physical and mental health that are beyond an individual’s control, there are many simple ways that people can do to improve their healthy lifestyle. The way to stay healthy and long comfortable life are by doing a lot of exercise, eat healthy food and get enough sleep. One of the simple ways to stay healthy and long comfortable life is do regular exercise. By having moderate and regular exercise, we can avoid miscellaneous dangerous diseases. Smith (2011) stated that the American College of Sports Medicine recommends to performing enough cardio work out such 30 minutes a day, five days a week, or a vigorous cardio session for 20 minutes daily. According to Healthy Lifestyle (2011), the American Heart Association recommends that 30 minutes a day of moderate aerobic exercise can burn calories and build up your heart and lungs. A few types of exercises that equally to aerobic which burn fat calories very quickly and improve and maintain heart and lung fitness are dancing, jogging, and swimming. Herndon and Lakshmy (2011) also indicate that the risk of developed certain disease can be reduce by doing regular exercise and promote overall health. A study by Health Benefit of Exercise (2012) notes that exercise will improve your blood pressure and cholesterol level and decreasing the chances of suffering chronic disease such as diabetes, heart disease and several cancers. Other than that, we can stay healthy and has long comfortable life by eating healthy food. To know on those foods we eat are healthy or not, we should not skipping our meal. There are a lot of people skip their breakfast but it helps to stimulates how you feel for the rest of the day and also and may slow down your metabolism. Next, the food pyramid is there for a reason as we should eat accordance to their element and theirs importance. The Importance of Nutrition (2009) stated that our body needs the right balance of carbohydrates, fats, and protein to stay healthy. Healthy Lifestyle (2011) indicates that we need to eat e varied diet to get dozens of essential forms of proteins, vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, and fats. Eat more fruits, vegetables carbohydrate and protein and take less fat. Then, avoid unhealthy meal to avoid overweight. Lakshmy (2011) identified to prevent weights gains, we need a balanced diet that is low in fat and sugar that provides you all the required nutrients without excess calories intake. Pearson (2011) also stated that we have to choose product with low fat, fat free dairy product or just substitute with soy milk. For desert as instance, if you just have to have the sweets cut down on the portion size, substitute with low-fat or fat-free goods, or choose fruit. Drink 8 glasses of water a day, avoid fried foods, and just do not eat 2 hours before bed. Furthermore, there is another aspect of healthy living that should be considered along with its benefits, get enough sleep to stay healthy. Sleep is probably the most important part of staying healthy. Without sleep, your body cannot undergo crucial repairing processes that help you function while you are awake. People tend to not know that skimping on sleep increase hunger. Health Benefit of Sleep (2010) indicate the researchers of University of Chicago of Medical Centre exposed that sleep loss possibly will reduce the ability of the body to regulate hormones that control hunger. Other than that, sleep deprivation triggers release of unwanted hormones such as cortisol, which alters glucose metabolism resulting in fat storage. To promote regular glucose metabolism and limit weight gain, sleeping at least eight hours a night are be need. Not only that, sleep can help the brain to have its time to rest. Healthy Lifestyle (2011) exposed that when you are asleep, the daily metabolism perpetuates the decline and rejuvenation of cellular tissue, and the body’s self repair take place. Having good sleeping habits results in reducing our levels of stress, for instance, a good night’s sleep can lower blood pressure. Sleep tends to help to specify that memory consolidation and appetite regulations occur during sleep too. Pretty awesome thing about this sleep isn’t it? And it’s something most of us take for granted. In conclusion, â€Å"prevention is the best cure†. This means that the easiest way to get healthy is to avoid getting sick in the first place. While this is not always possible, there are many ways to prevent possible future health problems and illnesses. Healthy life can be produced through the combination of many ways, including regular exercise, eating healthy food and get enough sleep. Taking care of our body and feeling pride in our accomplishments can improve both our physical and mental health. There are many things we can do to improve our quality of life and most of them are easiest steps. No matter how small you start, you can make a change and an improvement in your life.

105 Training

1. 05 – Training Principles You will perform the Sit and Reach exercise as described in the lesson and then answer the questions below based on your experiences. Important: Â ·Answer each question in the document by highlighting or bolding your answers. Â ·Save the file as 105training. rtf. Â ·Below the file name is the field for file type. Use the drop down menu to choose ‘Rich Text Format'. This will save it with the . rtf file structure required. Â ·Submit the completed assignment for Assessment 1. 05 Training Principles. Complete each exercise below: A. Reach to 0 cm mark and hold 10 secondsB. Reach to 8 cm mark and hold 15 seconds C. Reach to 15 cm mark and hold 10 seconds D. Reach to 22. 5 mark and hold 15 seconds 1. Of the four exercises attempted in the activity I was able to complete A. None of the exercises. B. Item A only C. Items A and B D. Items A, B, and C E. All of the exercises 2. Reaching to 0 cm mark and holding for 10 seconds was: A. Easily done B. Done C. Slightly Difficult D. Very Difficult E. Could not yet reach 3. Reaching to 8 cm mark and holding 15 seconds was: A. Easily Done B. Done C. Slightly Difficult D. Very Difficult E. Could not yet reach 4.Reaching to 15 cm mark and holding 10 seconds was: A. Easily Done B. Done C. Slightly Difficult D. Very Difficult E. Could not yet reach 5. Reaching to 22. 5 mark and hold 15 seconds was: A. Easily Done B. Done C. Slightly Difficult D. Very Difficult E. Could not yet reach Part II: Principle of Overload 1. How frequently would you need to stretch if the sit & reach was easily done? A. Very Often – several times a week B. Often – 3 times a week C. Rarely – once a week 2. Which of the above stretches made you work harder (had the greatest intensity)? A. 0 cm B. 8 cm C. 15 cm D. 22. 5 cm

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Human Embryonic Stem (hES)

Human embryonic stem (hES) cell has a unique ability of differentiating into all cell types, which leads to the development of the whole organism. As the integrity of ES cells is crucial for the developing embryo, these cells have likely evolved a mechanism that will detect and respond to adverse stimuli. Indeed, hES cell has been shown to be highly sensitive to DNA damage, but the molecular mechanisms underlying this rapid death remain unclear. Caspases are critical mediators of apoptosis in the cells of mammals, and is considered a key protein that is responsible for controlling their activation is Bax, a Bcl-2 family proapoptotic member. While the main components of the apoptotic pathway have been known and identified, exactly how this pathway is functioning and regulated in various primary cells is still unclear. The study examined the apoptotic pathway in the hES cells and also reported a unique mechanism of hES cells that can help them to undergo apoptosis in response to the genotoxic damage. To visualize GFP-tagged Bax, the 3-day colonies of hES cells were transfected with 2 mg of hBaxC3-EGFP from Addgene with FuGENE HD transfection reagent from Roche. Transfection is the process of by which nucleic acids is introduce to the eukaryotic cells by methods that are nonviral. With the help of some various methods such as chemical, physical, lipid methods, this technology of gene transfer technology is a very powerful tool to investigate the gene function and the expression of protein of a cell. Assay-based reporter technology, and with the availability of transfection reagents will actually give and provides the foundation necessary to study sequences of mammalian promoter and enhancer, the trans-acting proteins such as transcription factors, processing of mRNA, the interactions of different proteins, recombination, and translation events. In general, transfection is a method or protocol used to neutralize or obviate the issue of introducing the negatively charged molecules such as phosphate backbone of DNA and RNA into the negatively charged membrane of the cells. In addition, chemicals such as calcium phosphate and cationic lipid-based reagents that coat the DNA, neutralize or even creates an overall positive charge to the molecule is also used. This makes it easier for the DNA to transfection reagent complex to cross the said membrane, especially for lipids which has a fusogenic component that further enhances the fusion with the different lipid bilayer. Other methods such as physical methods like microinjection or electroporation have also been used that is simply punch through the membrane and will introduce DNA directly into the cytoplasm. In this study, they describe the striking feature of the healthy undifferentiated hES cells, which maintain Bax in its preactivated state at the Golgi that is in contrast to other cell types. The results also highlight the fact that the apoptotic machinery undergoes a dynamic change even if its an early stages of differentiation.

Looking at the opening scene of Romeo and Juliet Essay

Romeo and Juliet’, a play originally written by William Shakespeare in 1595 – 1600 is a tale of love and tragedy involving two young people who fall in love, but find it ends in disaster due to their age old family feud. This play had been directed as a film in 1968 starring Olivia Hussey, but never before has it been modernised as a film. By choosing to do this the problem that faced Baz Luhrman when he was directing the film version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ was that he could not predict whether there would be an audience for Shakespearean stories in a modern culture. Particuarly as the age group he was targeting were those who would probably still be at school, where Shakespeare had been stereotyped as ‘boring’. This problem was tackled by updating the swords involved by replacing them with guns, adding a famous cast known to the particular chosen age group and backing the film up with modern music. The opening scene of Baz Luhrman’s ‘Romeo and Juliet’ begins with a screen of black, and a very small television screen in the centre. As the shot continues the camera zooms in on the television screen that is showing a coloured female newsreader, with a plain background and a split ring in the top right hand corner. This entrance to the first scene of the film forces the audience to concentrate on the film by introducing it slowly, making you feel anything missed will detract from the film’s impact. The newsreader is dressed in red, the classic colour of love, danger, passion and blood, and the ring split in two with the words â€Å"Star-crossed lover† subtly introduce the main themes of the films while the audience is focusing on what the newsreader is reporting. The screen around the television is black, focusing all attention on the newsreader, and her voice is quiet and sounds almost muted while she talks of the feud of Verona, re-enforcing the director’s obvious wish to capture the attention of the viewers. With this red on black theme it seems to represent the blood and tragedy of the story of Romeo and Juliet on the rest of the town, and almost shows the final tragic word on the darkness of the two feuding families. From this opening, though the newsreader does not directly speak of the main characters, Romeo and Juliet, you feel as if the feud is already familiar before entering in to the actual film. The change from the first scene to the second is a very quick jump cut. The camera zooms very close in on the newsreader tilting, and jumps through to a street in Verona, travelling down it and coming to a halt at a large statue of Jesus, but only allowing you a very quick glance before switching to a black screen with the words â€Å"In Fair Verona† in large white capitals at eye level. It then jump cuts back to a the same picture of Jesus, but this time it is a closer shot, and holds for a bit longer, before very quickly zooming back to show the statue in between two sky scrapers, one named â€Å"Capulet† in red, and one named â€Å"Montague† in blue. The buildings are the highest in the street, and with the statue in between them seem very important and noble, informing the audience of the family’s wealth and power, and also of their rivalry. The statue standing dead centre between the two towers shows that while religion is important in this story, and does to a certain extent act as a barrier between the two families, it is much smaller then the buildings, symbolising that their feud may prove stronger then their religion. The next shot is a jump cut on to the camera moving on to the streets of Verona, and a tracking shot of a police car with the words â€Å"Verona Beach† written down the side. This shot of the police car informs the viewers that police are involved, and the place the play is set in is called â€Å"Verona Beach†. Once focused on the car the camera tilts and zooms out, jumping in to a zoom in shot of the same statue of Jesus, which it zooms in on, jump cuts back to a second shot and zooms in again, this time blurring the statue. This blurring shows the disregard held by the families towards their religion as the feud gets greater. The scenes by now are moving very quickly and are very separated, not flowing smoothly at all. It is quite difficult to keep with the speed at which the film is moving, Luhrman once again trying to keep the audiences attention. Following on from the blurred shot of the statue, the camera, remaining blurry, focusing in turn, on the signs above each building, reading first â€Å"Capulet† in red and then â€Å"Montague† in blue. These choices of colour cause you to question whether or not the Capulet family are more ‘fierce’, with their name in red. You then get a tracking shot of a police helicopter against what you assume to be a church, and the city of Verona. Again re enforcing the religion verses law theme that is apparent throughout this film in Verona. Following this is a zoom in shot of a person lying on a mattress in the street surrounded by dirt and people in black. Through this shot you assume the person involved is injured, showing the severity of the feud. Again, jump cutting to the next scene, though seeming to slow the pace slightly, you get an aerial tracking shot from the helicopter with the diagetic sounds of the propellers, of a large statue of the Virgin Mary standing with open arms. Quickly moving on through a jump cut the statue of Jesus seen before is briefly shown, before zooming in on his face, although it is made up of many small dots, and shown in dark grey and black. This shot is held and zoomed out to reveal a ‘family tree’ with both families on it, starting at the top with ‘Ted Montague’ and ‘Fulgencio Montague’. Symbolic of the hatred that is passed down the family through each generation. The music up to this point has been very loud and ‘menacing’, increasing in volume when what I see as ‘relevant shots’ are held. The lighting has been bright throughout, all shots set in the day, and there have been no characters introduced until the family tree. The beginning shots seem to be more introducing the place and the themes than the characters themselves. The layout of this tree implies that the rivalry started between these two men and has been passed down through the family. With the statue of Jesus with open arms set between the two families reminds us of the strong religion present in the city, and the grey colour of the pictures and background sets in almost like a cloud of grey, strongly contrasting with the colour we have seen in the previous scenes. As well as being the first shot of the characters, also introduced in this scene is the first voice since the newsreader, although this time it is non diagetic, in the form of a voice over. The music reaches a climax and then fades away to a quiet backing for the deep male voice commenting on the family trees in front of us. The shots of this ‘tree’ are broken up by shots of fire and newspapers titled â€Å"Montague vs Capulet†, and while the speed of the changing shots has slowed down, now dissolving in to each other, Luhrman makes up for it with the impact of the shots he is using, you need more time to look at each one then before. Coming off the newspaper shot using dissolving and fire, we see the familiar screen of black with white text reading â€Å"In Fair Verona†, reminding us of the setting while looking in to the characters, as seen before when the city was being introduced and we were shown the names of the families. This subtle mixing of the two is very effective in showing the strong relationship between the setting and characters, and the effect that they have on each other. This phrasing of â€Å"Fair Verona† is ironic, as although we are being told the city is fair, we are shown only violent shots of the goings on and only ‘controversial† shots of the place itself. Moving on from the text shot we are shown a series of tracking shots of Verona, similar to those shown before, combining diagetic sounds such as the helicopter propellers with non diagetic such as the voice over. We then get another still shot of a newspaper reading â€Å"Ancient Grudge† followed shortly by a third newspaper reading â€Å"New Mutiny† and a picture of one of the young Montague boys. This â€Å"ancient grudge† followed by â€Å"new mutiny† re enforces the idea of the feud being passed down the family that we were introduced to through the family tree. The text is also in older style writing, showing that such an old thing has carried through in to modern day. This picture of the young Montague holding a gun is the first we see of the younger generations of the families, and it is associated with anger through his face and death through his gun. The next newspaper clip we get is â€Å"Civil blood†, also read out to us by the voice over, this emphasises the fact that the brawls caused by the families do not only affect themselves, but the rest of Verona. We are shown a tracking shot of a middle ages coloured man wearing helicopter equipment against a dark background, fitting as the shots seem to be getting darker, set later on in the day. The word ‘Police’ is shown in large white text against black, symbolising their affect on the feud, good on bad or clean on dirty. There is then a series of shots of Verona and magazines with bullets on the covers, showing how much violence there is in the city. It is made out to be a loud, busy dangerous place reflected in the characters themselves. The feuding families seem to sum up the rivalry present within the city, Religion verses hatred, Law verses war. Although you may argue that at this stage you are unable to establish whether it is the place reflected through the characters or the characters strife being the reason for the way the place is. We then get our first shot of a man and a woman in a black car, both look drawn and very worried. Jump cutting through to a shot of a second couple, obviously the other family, recognisable only because of the quick glance we got of the man on the family tree. This creates a broken up image of the families, imposing the idea that the families ‘get in the way’ of each other. As the music builds up again there are two screens of just text, when put together reading â€Å"A pair of star crossed lover take their life†. The ‘T’ in the ‘take’ is actually a cross when you look at it, bringing religion in to death. At this point the voice over is stopped and the music becomes loud again. Following the text the camera then jumps from one to another introducing through text and a frozen image of each character, the Capulets, the Montagues, both with the under text ‘Romeo’s mother/father’ and ‘Juliet’s mother/father. To follow we meet the chief of police ‘Captain Prince’, the Governor’s son ‘Dave Paris’ and ‘Mercutio’, Romeo’s best friend, in a provocative position with his face angry and his finger pointed with a gun on him. Each character has a shot held on them for about 5 seconds before jumping straight on to the next. As the music builds up we see a pair of eyes, later recognised to be those of Romeo Montague, pushing the door of a church open to reveal light and flowers, portraying the church as a place of sanctity. This relates to the theme of religion present throughout the film, and it also gives a preview of the place in which the lovers lives end. Luhrman would have realised that as ‘Romeo and Juliet’ is such a widely read play the majority of the audience would know then ending of the film, thus giving him a lot of scope to play around with previews of the rest of the film. The music quickens pace and very quickly we are run through the text previously shown and spoken but at a speed that it is not supposed to be read. This is followed by shots of fireworks, choirboys singing high piercing notes almost as a climax, guns shooting showing violence, main characters and eventually finishes on a black screen with â€Å"William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet†. This creates a point of high climax, quickly let down by the still almost ‘dead’ screen in comparison to previous shots. The mention of William Shakespeare is the first we hear of the author, and in mentioning him Luhrman has made himself seem almost modest, discarding any impression made implying that it is Luhrman’s own play. The title then moves off the screen to the left and the film begins. As an opening sequence for this particular film I find it very effective. The setting of such a film in modern day would have proved very difficult, but the replacement of swords by guns has a huge impact on its success. The violence is portrayed well and you learn just about enough to follow the film as it opens but not enough to know what happens between now and the death of the characters. I like the way Luhrman lets the audience know the resulting death of the characters, but he does not say who dies. This builds up an immense suspense throughout the film. This introduction is done in such a way that it will captivate almost everyone’s attention through moving so quickly and creating such a tense atmosphere.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Artworks by Jeff Koons

Artworks by Jeff Koons New Hoover Convertibles Jeff Koon was one of the most controversial artists of the post war time, his works were designed to provoke, shock, astonish, but at the same time, to inform, point out and communicate.1Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Artworks by Jeff Koons specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More His work called â€Å"New Hoover Convertibles† was created in 1981. The visually distinctive factors of this work are the three vacuum cleaners that were advanced for their time. The artist put them into a transparent container make of acryl and added fluorescent lights in the bottom so that the exhibits were properly lit. By inserting the vacuum cleaners into the transparent box and adding fluorescent dramatic lighting the artist made the appliances look like very valuable trophies. This was done in order to communicate the public passion for consumption and the change of values in the society. Koons pointed out th at in the beginning of eighties household appliances were something people had to work hard to buy, they represented everyone’s big goal, they were the evidence of an important achievement. The historic factors that influence Koon and inspired him to create this work of art was the rapid development of technologies and the social passion for consumption and the love for pristine newness.2 Besides, the way the three vacuum cleaners are arranged – in a straight line, makes it clear that the work of art symbolizes not only consumerism but capitalism dwelling in the supermarkets and putting the goods in geometrically correct rows, lines and forms. His work represents the mass culture of the beginning of the eighties and the use of readymade goods presents the nature of consumption in a controversial way by comparing usual objects to valuables and paying capacity to an achievement.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get you r first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Triple Elvis Triple Elvis is a work of art that contains three levels. They are arranged hierarchically. The closes object seen by the viewers of the work is a blow up pool toy shaped as a red lobster. The second dimension of the work includes three photographs of a half naked Playboy model in seductive poses. The last layer is the print made of Westermann’s art works arranged one over another in an abstract manner. This layer is located the farthest from the audience. Each of the dimensions overlaps with the ones near to it. Lobster pool toy is put on top of the whole work. By creating such hierarchy in his art work, Koons demonstrated the reversed values where art is at the very bottom of the pyramid, and pornographic images are more important than it.3 They also are bigger in size. Finally, the very top is occupied by a very simple entertainment item that is not artistic at all. Adding it to his pyramid of art Koons sho ws the new attitude towards aesthetics and beauty. Making the lobster a part of the art work and actually placing it on top of everything else Koons demonstrated the ranks of values. This way Koons’ pyramid of art turns to the pyramid of consumption. The most popular kind of goods and entertainments are represented by the pool toy. The next is a series of images of sexual character – the second most popular consumption product. Finally, art is at the very bottom and is mixed up. In this work Koons makes art a part of consumption culture of the eighties. This is why all art works of Koons were based on the elements of Triple Elvis. Bibliography Farago, Jason. â€Å"Jeff Koons: A Retrospective review – great, good, bad and terrible  art†. The guardian. Web.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Artworks by Jeff Koons specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Fineberg, Jonathan. Art Since 1940. Upper Sad dle River: Peason, 2010. Jeff Koons: A Retrospective†. Web. Footnotes 1 â€Å"Jeff Koons: A Retrospective†, 2 Jason Farago, â€Å"Jeff Koons: A Retrospective review – great, good, bad and terrible art†, The guardian. 3 Jonathan Fineberg, Art Since 1940 (Upper Saddle River: Peason, 2010), 460.

Dieago Rivera essays

Dieago Rivera essays My artist name is Diego Rivera he is a Mexican painter who made murals on social themes and who was one of Mexicos greatest artists. He was born in Guanajuato and went to school at the San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts , in Mexico City. he studied painting in Europe between 1907 and 1921, studying the cubist forms of the French painters Paul Cezanne and Pablo Picasso. In 1921 Riviera went back to to Mexico and took a prominent part in revival of mural painting initiated by artists and sponsored by the government . He thought that art should serve the working people and be available to them to see, he worked on painting big frescoes, dealing with the history and social problems of Mexico, on the walls of public buldings.His works during 1930s included frescoes the Ministry of Educational Mexico City and in the National Agricultural School in Chapingo. Rivera was an active member of the Mexican Communist party , and he painted murals in the National Palace , Mexico City 1929, and the Palace Cortes , Cuernavaca in1930 .In 1929 Riviera married Frida Kahlo who is now considered to have been one of the 20th centurys greatest I think what I like the most the murals that he painted I liked how he drew the Indian people their faces the scenery , the palace and his style. Riviera's murals are full of archeological detail and painted in sharply outlined , linear style. Most of them have clear , three dimensional figures in a small space ,. Rivera also made neat easel paintings and portraits and designed and built his Mexico City house , the Anahuacalli, which is now a museum home to the huge collection of pre-Columbian art that he left for Mexican people to view whenever . I liked the water colors that Riviera used for the murals and the way he painted the pictures . I imagine take him a long time to draw the ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Proteins essays

Proteins essays Proteins are the macromolecules of life. Discovered in 1838, proteins are recognized as a large number of superior organic compounds that make up living organisms and are essential to their functioning. The term protein comes from the Greek word for primary. Proteins have many different properties and function in a variety of ways. They can function as a building material, in teeth, bones and muscles, and they can serve as enzymes, hormones, and neurotransmitters. Its functions are the most diverse of any family. Whether found in humans like, animals, plants or in single-celled bacteria, proteins are made of units of 20 different amino acids. Proteins consist of macromolecules called polypeptides, made from monomers called amino acids. Proteins have hundreds, thousands, or sometimes even millions of these amino acids. These amino acids are made up of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur. Some proteins consist of only single polypeptides. In most cases it involves two or more combined polypeptides, sometimes with other small organic molecules or metal ions. The most basic level of protein structure, called the primary structure, is the linear sequence of amino acids. Different sequences of the acids along a chain, however, affect the structure of a protein molecule in different ways. Proteins secondary structure often contains long stretched out chains of amino acids called strands that line up together to make sheets. These are called beta strands and the sheets are called beta-pleated sheets. A protein may contain either or both alpha helices and beta pleated sheets. Alpha helices and beta pleated sheets are joined by less clear structures often grouped together under the name of coil. Some small proteins may be made of coil. There are two types of proteins, fibrous and globular. The major fibrous proteins are collagen, keratin, fibrinogen, and muscle proteins. Collagen, which mak...

Sensory Experiences Exploring Reality

Sensory Experiences Exploring Reality Learning and experiencing new objects and scenes depend on the number of sensory experiences involved into contemplation. In fact, the experience of contemplating the room by one individual cannot testify to the objectivity of the room.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Sensory Experiences: Exploring Reality specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Neither can different experiences become the proof of objective reality. At the same time, the existence of the objective reality as itself is justified by the emergence of various perceptions existing in spiritual form. Due to the fact that earthly flesh has constantly changing nature, the room that Kant describes can change as well, based on different perceptions. I agree with the idea that our attitude to the external environment depends not only on perception of sensory experience, but also on previous knowledge about the object to be perceived. Therefore, if Kant looks at the r oom for the first time, he could make up an opinion about its various qualities and attributes. The second time of looking at the room will be evaluated on the premise of both new sensory experience and previous knowledge about it. The latter allows the viewer to present a comparative analysis of two different perceptions. In response to the objective reality, the author argues that our sensory experience also has a sequential nature. The difference in experience also depends on the shifts in perceptions once the priority of contemplating the object is changed. There is also a matter of ordering while looking at the object in the room. Hence, Kant focuses on his personal choice in choosing the sequence of looking at the objects. The above-presented assumptions premise on the theory of great chain of being introduced by Aristotle and Plato. According to this theory, our world and experience is composed of multiple chains and links. Due to the fact that the world is constantly changin g, human experience of observing the objects surrounding them can be different all the time. In spite of the fact that material the world changes, the spiritual component remains permanent, which is important for understanding the concept of reality. In general, object position cannot be altered in the hierarchy. In nature, earth stands at the core of hierarchical chain because this element owns only the quality of existence. Each component that is directed upward focuses on the positive aspects of the previous chain. For instance, a human combines mortal, flesh characteristics and spiritual ones. Within the context of this dichotomy, body and soul become a whole in which the moral component is shaped. In case a human focuses on spirit, he/she could become much closer to the religious domain. Different outlooks and perceptions of the world influence human understanding of reality.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The theoretical framework and Kant observations are of great significance for understanding and evaluation the connection between human subjective perception and the objective representation of reality. The concept of reality, however, does not always coincide with the sum of perceptions on the objects. Therefore, different angles and sequences of contemplating the object can alter the position of objects. Kant’s observations do not only create different angles of perception, but also characterize reality in terms of its changeability. In addition, each person contemplating specific objects relies heavily on his/her experience while assigning various attributes to it. Therefore, a variety of subjective analyses provides a new meaning to objective reality and introduces a new dimension of perception.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Discussion and Debate Tourism Lesson for ESL

Discussion and Debate Tourism Lesson for ESL Many thanks to Kevin Roche, a colleague of mine, who has kindly allowed me to include his conversation lesson on the site. Tourism is becoming more and more important - especially for those learning English. Here is a two-part lesson which focuses on the question of developing tourism as an industry in your local town. Students need to develop concepts, discuss local economic problems and solutions to those problems, think about possible negative impacts and finally make a presentation. These two lessons provide a great long-term project for upper-level students while offering an opportunity to use English in a number of authentic settings. Let's Do Tourism - Part 1 Aim Discussion, explaining, reasoning, agreeing and disagreeing Activity Tourism - Do we need it? Discussion of pros and cons of developing local tourism Level Upper intermediate to advanced Outline Split students into two groups - one group representatives of Lets Do Tourism, a tourism development company. The other group representatives of the residents of your city and are in opposition to the plans of Lets Do tourism.Give each student a copy of one of the discussion notes.Ask students if they have any questions on the explanatory notes.Give students fifteen minutes to prepare for the discussion in their groups. Students should discuss the points mentioned and any other points they may come up within their groups.Circulate around the classroom helping students and taking notes on common language problems.Have students get back together and try to convince you (or another chosen group of students) of their reasoning.Begin the activity follow-up by going over some of the more common mistakes made by students.Finish the activity as a class by asking each student to choose one reason either for or against the project. Each student should then discuss one of the points in front o f the rest of the class. Ask other students to comment on the arguments presented. Your Town, The Next Tourist Paradise? A company called lets Do Tourism is panning to invest a large amount of money to turn your town into a major center for tourists. They have made plans to manufacture a number of hotels and other tourist infrastructure in your town. As well as the hotels, they have also made plans to radically improve the nightlife in your town by opening a string of clubs and bars. They hope that by the year 2004 your town will be a major competitor within the tourist industry in your country.   Group 1 You are representatives of Lets Do Tourism your aim is to promote the plans of your company and to convince me that tourism is the best solutions for your city. Points to concentrate on: The increase in jobs that will come with the increase in investment.The money that the tourists will bring into the local economyThe progress and development of your city which will result in it becoming more important with not only your region but also your country as well.Better for the young people of your city as there will be much more investment in leisure industries. Group 2 You are the representatives of the residents of your city and are in opposition to the plans of Lets Do tourism. Your aim is to convince me that this is a bad idea for your town. Points to consider: Environmental issues - tourists pollutionTroublemakers - many tourists have no respect for the places they visit and are only interested in getting drunk and causing trouble.The rise in tourism will bring about radical changes and will result in the traditional way of life in your town being lost. Perhaps forever.Rather than promoting the position of your city in your country, this move will make your city the laughing stock of your country.

School Entry Essay

School Entry Essay School Entry Essay School Entry Essay: How to Cope with Entering a school is always an exciting and interesting event in the life of any person. Of course, all this bustle with the choice of the school, new hopes and dreams, meetings and opportunities are really thrilling. Entering school is very stirring, without doubts. However, you do not have to forget about your school entry essay writing. A successful school essay is your ticket to the new life full of surprises and fun. That is why you have to treat your school entry essay writing too seriously: School Essay Writing Can Be Frightening Of course, it is rather frightening for you to write your school entry essay, as you do not have experience in writing it. However, the devil is not so terrible as he is painted. Nowadays, with the appearance of the Internet and different custom essay writing services you receive 100 percent of friendly support while your school essay writing, and not only entry essay, but also all the other kinds of school essay; that makes the every day routine full of difficult essays not to be so panic striking. Get Help through Our Custom Service Thus, if you do not know how to write your school entry essay this is not a tragedy anymore. With the help of our custom essay writing service, you are welcome to receive all the necessary information in order to write a good school entry essay and to be admitted. Thousands of tips and pieces of advice are presented for you at the convenience of our site. Read the articles at the subject how to write school entry essay, and become a professional in school entry essay writing. You can also edit your ready-made school entry essay at our site. You see, even the best school entry essay loses its brilliant content if there are some mistakes. That is why the process of editing school entry essay is as important as the process of editing it. There exists an opportunity to order school entry essay and not to vex yourself while writing it. The writers who work at our service are the great professionals with the highest degrees; they know for sure how to write successful school entry essay. You can mention all your requests, ideas, and all they will be taken into account by our professionals. Our staff is so virtuous that we are able to meet all the deadlines. That is why if you need any kind of help while your school entry essay writing, you will find it at our site. We wish you good luck with your school entering. Related posts: Merchant of Venice Critical Essay Writing the Analysis Paper Sociology Paper Report Writing Help Argumentative Research Paper Topics

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Literature review for online booking system for dry cleaners

For online booking system for dry cleaners - Literature review Example undry, ironing, dry cleaning and shoe repair to residents of east, west, north and south Belfast; the system is user-friendly and easy to use for clients. It contains pages about the all washed up laundry and dry cleaning company, delivery service which includes the online booking service, prices, frequently asked questions, where to find them and the their contacts. In addition, they have also created pages that are in line with the services that they offer, these are; domestic laundry services, commercial laundry services, dry cleaning services, ironing services, tailoring and shoe repair service. The visibility of similar websites that are available online is not at its best since it requires a lot of effort before one can locate a laundry and dry cleaning business that is online. The most common places that an individual can find such businesses is in online directories and even in such places, services such as online booking are absent. Just like other websites, the most common security threat for such websites is hacking to steal the clients’ credit card information or other crucial data. According to Morgan (2006), the most common attack will be on SQL databases through the SQL direct injection attack; this injection attack occurs where the hacker gains access to a website and alter the databases either by deleting records in the datable or entire tables of data; the method they do this is through making use of the weak points in the website code especially the way the website code queries the database. However this can be solved through keeping databases error quiet; this means that when a hacker tries to detect vulnerabilities to exploit he will only find friendly messages that do not expose the vulnerabilities (Fernandez, Abrahà £o & Insfran, 2011, p 118). The other solution is to ensure all the data that is entered through form is checked and sanitized for any malicious content before being entered in to the database (Aggarwal et al, 2005, p97).

HYPERLIPIDEMIA Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

HYPERLIPIDEMIA - Assignment Example The high level of the substance is associated with other life-threatening conditions. An example is hardening of arteries known as atherosclerosis. The hardening is also linked to high chances of one getting heart disease, stroke, and other vascular diseases (Society for Vascular Surgery, 2010). However, the progression of the condition to this rate can be reduced. The significant reduction can occur through lifestyle modifications (Powell, 2010). Such changes may include eating a healthy diet as well as engaging in some exercise. This has been shown to reduce lipid level and acts as a first line form of treatment (Society for Vascular Surgery, 2010). This paper will discuss the Third Report of the Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III) guidelines for the management of hyperlipidemia. Moreover, it will cover the goals for each stage, risk factors that are used to set goals, and gender-specific values. The management of hyperlipidemia majorly relies on the reduction of cholesterol levels in the body. Various guidelines have been put in place in laying specific requirements for attainment of specific cholesterol levels. These guidelines have helped in great length in the management of the condition. The guidelines have been known as Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) written by various experts. The most significant guideline has been ATP III. Numerous trials have been conducted before the implementation of this guideline as a way of improving previous guidelines. Hence, ATP III contains a further recommendation for the management of high cholesterol level (Hoogwerf & Huang, 2015). There is more emphasis in the instruction for the prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD) in patients that have several risk factors together with the treatment of secondary prevention (Hoogwerf & Huang, 2015). In the guideline, treatment procedure

Friday, October 18, 2019

Arab Politics -The Baath Party Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Arab Politics -The Baath Party - Research Paper Example Baath party is one of the Arab political parties originated in Syria. It has attained international fame because of its association with former Iraq president Saddam Husain. Though Baath party has extended its roots to many Arab countries like Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Jordan etc as a symbol of Arab unity, it didn’t survive long because of its composition of different political regimes and origin The Arab Socialist Baath Party was founded in Syria in the 1940s by a small group of French-educated Syrian intellectuals - Michel Aflaq, a Greek Orthodox, and Salah al-Din al-Bitar, a Sunni Muslim. The word Baath means renaissance in Arabic. (Kafala) The educated Muslim intellectuals have visualized the whole Arab countries as a single entity and their aim was to bring all the Arab people under one flag of the Baath party. Their aim was not motivated by any selfish aspects. They have felt the need of a single Arab party in order to counter the external threats from countries like Israel and America. Baath party was a secular Arab party. â€Å"Socialism (not Marxism) was quickly adopted as the party’s economic dogma: â€Å"Unity [Arab], Freedom [from colonialism], and Socialism† are still the watchwords.† (The Syrian Encyclopaedia) Though Baath party has accepted socialism as the economic principle, it differed from communism in many ways. Communism mostly works for the working class of the whole world whereas Baath party stressed the importance of economic equality among all the peoples of Arab countries. They have given focus on Arab culture alone and hence they concentrated on the Middle East region alone. Communism, on the other hand, doesn’t have any boundaries; it works for the whole working class in the world. â€Å"The Iraqi Baath party was founded in 1951 and had 500 members three years later. Saddam Hussein joined it as a 20-year-old in 1956.  

Section 37 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 Essay

Section 37 of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 - Essay Example The HSWA 1974 is divided into four key parts, and it is also divided into various sections. Part one of the Act focuses on the Health &Safety Commission and Executive, the general duties of the act, enforcement and penalties, codes of practice, and the power of making regulations. The second part of the act deals with the establishment of the employment medical advisory service. Part three on the other hand does the relations of the act to the building regulations. Finally, the forth part of the act does the coverage of other general issues and various amendments (Bennett 2012, p. 102).The 37th section of this legislation covers prosecution of managers/ directors, which is the main focus of this essay. The essay seeks to discuss the development of section 37 of the legislation analyzing the circumstance under which it operates. It also seeks to take considerations if the use of the legislation gives an effective mechanism for imposing secondary liability. Section 37(1) of the 1974 Ac t gives directives for the prosecution of managers/ directors. Section 37 of the HSWA States that in case a health and safety harm occurs to employees with the consent or connivance of a manager or director, then the manager or director together with the organization should be prosecuted under this particular section of the HSWA Act (Lofstedt 2011, p. 73). The section directs that employers should ensure that the safety and health of their employees is not affected by the work they do. Once the workers are affected by the kind of work they do in an industry in terms of their health and safety, then the act stipulates that the managers or directors be prosecuted. The act also tends to cover the employees’ duties at the work place. Employees in their duties at the work place are expected to take much care for good of their own safety and health and that of others who may be at risk of being affected by their acts. Employees are also expected to co-operate with their employers a nd other people at their work places when they are carrying out their statutory obligations (Lofstedt 2011, p. 73). The Health and Safety at Work act of 1974 provides that every organization or industry should have clearly stipulated health and safety policy if it has employed five and above employees. The organizations are also required to carry out assessments on their workers, partners, customers, and any other individual who may be at risk of being affected by the activities carried out by the organizations. The act also requires the organizations to have full access to health and safety advice that is competent. This is for the protection of its people or the staff members who may be affected by the activities carried out by the organization in terms of health and safety (Lofstedt 2011, p. 73). The HSWA act works alongside other regulations and Legislations in protection of health and safety of the workers. The Factories Act of 1961 and the Offices, Shops and Railway Premises A ct of 1963 are examples of Legislations that work alongside the HSWA act of 1974. Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations of 1994, and the Health and Safety Regulations of 1992 are among the regulations that are operated together with the HSWA act of 1974 (Smith, 1998). In its other provisions, the act requires that employers have a working environment that is safe in operation and maintenance to avoid any harm related to health and saf

Current Rules To The Deciding Taxation Of International Companies Essay

Current Rules To The Deciding Taxation Of International Companies - Essay Example In addition, the same rules also defer or exempt the active income of businesses. Consequently, there has been a loss in force with regard to a distinction between those nations with a global tax jurisdiction, and those whose taxation system is territory-oriented (Avi-Yonah 2007). A network of bilateral tax treaty holds claims about the existence of international tax. The treaty borrows heavily from the U.N. model, as well as that of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). For a majority of the countries, these treaties enjoy an elevated status relative to the domestic laws. As such, the domestic tax jurisdiction is often constrained. This implies that where international tax matters are concerned, national are usually bound by such treaties to act in specific ways. For example, a country could be constrained from not taxing a foreign trader who does not have a permanent residency. A majority of the countries today tax their residents in line with their tax legislation, and as they would be taxed had they been in their resident country, the sources of the taxable income not withstanding. Similarly, non-residents of a country are usually taxed on that portion of the income that the government of the country feels that it is a source of the country (Gowthorpe et al 1998). The two practices are commonly integrated internationally, but the problem usually arises when a resident of a country has his/her worldwide income taxed, including that part of the income which could be a source from another country. As a result, a case of double taxation usually results. With regard to the international law, a case of judicial double taxation is often not deemed illegal. Nevertheless, such a practice usually poses a danger as it negatively affects the movements of persons, goods, and capital among the different countries (Terra & Wattel 2005).In a bid to try and avoid such a scenario from occurring, a majority of the countries have thus far entered into double taxation bilateral agreements. This move is aimed at helping in the clarification of those contracting countries that legally have a right to double taxation. This means that the other countries will then have to waive their income taxation rights. Double taxation agreements, UN and the OECD model conventions on taxation The preparations of bilateral agreements usually employ the UN and OECD models of taxation. The OECD model has a focus towards the developed countries, while the UN model hopes to have an impact on the developing countries. The two model conventions have a lot of similarities, with the only variation being in terms of how the models adapt to the various economic environments (OECD 2001). Nevertheless, the UN model has not had a significant impact on a majority of the international tax treaties. At the same time, none of the two models forms any part of the international customary law. This is because the two models fail to meet opinion rules, and as such, they cannot be accepted internationally. However, the two models still have a profound interpretive influence in times of taxing rights conflicts, as per the conferment of the double taxation agreements (Avi-Yonah 2007). Perhaps article 17 of taxation convention model of the OECD would

CyberSecuirty Threats Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

CyberSecuirty Threats - Essay Example This compromise may include a covert computer terminal is connected to the same line through the telephone switching equipment and is then used when the legitimate user is not using the terminal. The computer cannot differentiate between the two terminals; it senses only one terminal and one authorized user (Peter & Allan, 20). A user may also improperly sign off when leaving a terminal session. Here, the intruder will find the terminal session in active state and access the user’s files as the computer believes the user is still active. The perpetrator may also use another form of piggybacking where they forward the call of the victim’s calls to the perpetrator’s phone (Peter & Allan, 120). Passwords are the other form of security verification methods implemented in computer networks and devices. With passwords, the user is required to enter secret digits or letters or both to provide access to a system or files in a system (Lynch, 401). Passwords have been in existence since long ago and are applicable in many fields such as in automated teller machines, mobile phones and computer operating systems (Peter & Allan, 70). However, passwords have been known to be cracked and as such very in strength where alphanumeric patterns of passwords offer the strongest passwords while simple letters or digits offer weak and vulnerable passwords (Peter & Allan, 80). Phishing in internet security is a form of crime that occurs in the internet. Here, deception is used to acquire someone’s or a company’s sensitive information such as their bank account details, credit card number, usernames and passwords. The culprit masquerades as a trustworthy party such as a bank or popular site (Lynch, 410). They in turn send emails or instant messages that are infected with malware and harm the unsuspecting victim. Once the message or email is opened the malware retrieves the user’s

Sexual diversity in schooling Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Sexual diversity in schooling - Essay Example schools in Australia through the education system about sexual diversity and inculcate in them values such as inclusion, respect for others, and fairness. The fact is, however, that sexual diversity remains a controversial topic and has largely been ignored in the education systems (Herron, & Javier, 2006). This essay will criticize the failure of the school education system to incorporate sexual diversity. The essay will also examine the consequences of failing to address these issues and helping to deal with homophobia among children and young people. According to the Australian Journal of Human Rights, sexual diversity refers to one’s experience of gender identity or transgender that goes beyond the binary or biological notions of being either male or female (Steinberg, 2009). Dr. Tracie O’Keefe originally coined the term in his paper about human rights submitted to Amnesty International in 2002. The term has gained wide usage in many circles within Australia. Sexual diversity mostly aims at celebrating diversity in gender identities as opposed to categorizing people in different sexes or genders. Sexual diversity is also a general term referring to individuals who do not identify with either masculinity or femininity with regard to their gender identity. The term includes different groups such as androgynous, transsexual, transexed, cross dressers or transgender. Other terms popular in various parts of Australia include pan-gendered, sistergirl or brotherboy, and intergender (Dijk, & Driel, 2007). Sexual diversity also includes other minority groups such as lesbians, gays, and bisexuals. These groups of individuals have received widespread discrimination and segregation in the community. Sexual diversity has been a major human rights issue in Australia in the past few years, with cases of homophobia, exclusion being on the rise. The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has been at the forefront in fighting for inclusion of transgender individuals in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Psychiatric Hospitals in Ireland Research Paper

Psychiatric Hospitals in Ireland - Research Paper Example The call for uniformity of care for psychiatric illnesses has been fostered by several legislations across countries, and the current trend is to foster care increasingly in the community in collaboration with the family [2]. Despite that, there are certain conditions where there is a need to detain the patient in the mental health hospitals with forceful and involuntary admission, where coercion plays an important role. Admission against the will of the patient is an ethically unsound area of practice; and therefore law directs the process. Within the legal framework, the mental health professionals thus exercise their power to detain or incarcerate the patients with an adequate indication permitted by law. The problems or debates arise when there is observed diversity in psychiatric practice, and the heterogeneity of sociocultural environment and differences in professional attitudes towards mentally ill people, all may influence a decision regarding involuntary admission [3]. This has been contributed to by lack of reliable markers of psychiatric diagnoses and management plan for them. The admission to a psychiatric healthcare facility in Ireland may be involuntary, although till now, the vast majority of such admissions are voluntary. Involuntary admission means the patient does not freely agree for the treatment or admission to an inpatient psychiatric unit. The other part of such admission may be that even though the patient agrees for a voluntary admission, there may be detention of these patients into the units in that they are not completely free to leave psychiatric care on their free will. Thus this leads to a detention beyond volition, and detailed rules, regulations, and laws guide such principles. The Irish mental health policies regarding involuntary admission or detention are governed by the Irish Mental Health Act of 2001 and have been in full implementation since November 2006 and all psychiatric facilities including public and private are under its regulations. According to this act, the psychiatric hospitals and units need to be registered as appr oved psychiatric centres, and those hospitals and inpatient units which were providing care to people with psychiatric illnesses at the time of implementation of this law will be considered approved by November 2009. The mental health act 2001 sets out the criteria for involuntary admission to these approved centres for persons suffering from mental disorders. This act also creates provision for independent review of the involuntary admissions of such persons [4]. In a short summary, this act recommends involuntary admissions and detention in an approved psychiatric centre due to psychiatric disorder. The main scenarios or conditions that may cause involuntary admission are personality disorder, social deviance, drug addiction, and intoxication. Although psychiatric patients have their own rights, this act implies that involuntary admission is for the patients' own interests in care and treatment through appropriate examination findings of the psychiatrists, where all information will be revealed to the patients, and in case of incoherence, the tribunal may review such decisions where sometimes the court of law may interfere if appeals are made. These principles are also

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 60

Discussion - Assignment Example This is because Osama Bin Laden was its leader, and was responsible for providing it with ideological, as well as spiritual leadership. Despite his death, and the defeat of Al-Qaeda, the nation has not yet healed from this attack. This is because other terrorist organizations have emerged that target American citizens. These organizations are affiliated to Al-Qaida (Riedel, 22). This includes terrorist organizations such as Al-Shabab, operating in Somalia, and ISIS, a terror group aimed at establishing a caliphate in the Middle-East. These groups have managed to target and kill American civilians. This includes the latest beheadings of American journalists in Iraq (Otis, 3). These actions have caused great anger against these terrorist organizations, and United States is seeking to build an international coalition that can fight against these new terror organizations. Prominent Islamic leaders have disowned these groups, denoting that the use of violence against non Muslim members is against the principles of Islam. To fight these groups, there is a need of the government to use a two pronged approach. The government should use the military to prevent these groups from attacking its interests. The government should also initiate measures aimed at promoting religious tolerance amongst the leading religious groups. This is through education, and inclusive

Professional Ethics And Governance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Professional Ethics And Governance - Assignment Example The creativity and the risk taking will provide the decision makers in securing and protecting the risky partnership with the stock of Enron and ensuring that the stock will not fall (Healey and Isles, 2002). The values of Enron that is included in the corporate culture is not balanced and maintained by proper and appropriate attention that is required for increasing the corporate integrity and also acquiring of the customers and not only providing value to its shareholders. The corporate culture of Enron mainly embraces its value which is of large size which is not only considered as the value but also as a strategy in order to attain big mission or objective. Enron has faced a severe failure partly because of the existence of complexity and partly because of its size and the auditors failed , the bankers and the creditors failed, the management of the company failed and even the regulators also failed to safeguard and control the integrity of the capital market (Erwin, 2011). The c ombination of the various failures has resulted in the structural problem of the company. Arthur Andersen has been considered as the most influential, high earning and the most ethical accounting firm of the world. In spite of the rise in the consulting services, the relationship of the firms with its clients the company faced several threats from the investors of its regulators, clients and courts. Andersen failure in maintaining proper audit has both legally and ethically disrupted the various aspects that are related to the development of the ethical standards and accounting theory. The maintenance of quality control which is termed and regarded as the most important element and factor in the accounting profession has also been violated by Andersen (Stevens, 2013). The corporate culture of Lehman brother can be analyzed by the fact that it failed to face the severe and aggressive recession that prevailed in the year 2008 and it went bankrupt. Lehman

New Technologies and Documentary Storytelling Essay

New Technologies and Documentary Storytelling - Essay Example This paper discusses that the new technologies upcoming in the media industry such as video editing and digital camera software, have made documentary filmmaking a product of storyteller’s persistence and vision, the storyteller is normally the director of such documentary. Many viewers have had a stuffy perception of what constitute documentary storytelling; however, the impact of the new technologies on documentary storytelling has changed the perspective on documentary storytelling, which has become a short form of digital media production due to the presence of digital camera software. This has allowed people to across the world share the elements of their life stories. Video editing software has also enabled documentary storytelling to include film techniques that are digital equivalent, animations, motion video with sound, and other kinds of non-physical media. This report stresses that new technologies are changing documentary storytelling very fast in the way they are produced, experienced, and distributed. Many media scholars have come up with numerous digital camera and video editing software that has seen documentary storytelling hit a higher notch. Production and directing has become more effective and efficient. Because of this, many people share their life stories and the natural situation of the world and real circumstances facing the world. Although media industry previously had difficulty applying media techniques to documentary storytelling, the rising technologies has made it much easier for their production. Effective documentary storytelling by storytellers is a result of personal desire to explore real life situations and share nonfictional motion pictures on televisions. The new technologies has changed documentary storytelling through the availability of photography, audio, video, and digital camera software, which has cre ated a shift from passive media users to active media consumers. Due to these new technologies, media consumers are currently playing main roles as agents of interaction that transform media uses. Through the new technologies that acknowledge the present state of documentary storytelling in terms of production, experience, and distribution, documentary storytellers can now shed new lights when developing experiences of non-fiction media (Rony, 2007). Being a documentary filmmaker, storyteller means more than journalism profession in the media industry. This is basically because documentary storytelling involves a wide sort of motion nonfictional pictures that are intended to document some reality aspects majorly for the purposes of maintaining a record of history. This needs utilization of quite a number of media principles and regulations such as fair use of stories involving people and the world. Documentary filmmakers create an easy, clear statement of reasonable and fair approac hes to fair use through their professional associations. Fair use, in some circumstances, is the right to quote materials that is copyrighted without paying for or asking authority and permission for it. Being a storyteller demands a understanding of the essential feature of copyright law. This is because copyright is very important in the profession and is applicable to the production of any kind of media

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Psychiatric Hospitals in Ireland Research Paper

Psychiatric Hospitals in Ireland - Research Paper Example The call for uniformity of care for psychiatric illnesses has been fostered by several legislations across countries, and the current trend is to foster care increasingly in the community in collaboration with the family [2]. Despite that, there are certain conditions where there is a need to detain the patient in the mental health hospitals with forceful and involuntary admission, where coercion plays an important role. Admission against the will of the patient is an ethically unsound area of practice; and therefore law directs the process. Within the legal framework, the mental health professionals thus exercise their power to detain or incarcerate the patients with an adequate indication permitted by law. The problems or debates arise when there is observed diversity in psychiatric practice, and the heterogeneity of sociocultural environment and differences in professional attitudes towards mentally ill people, all may influence a decision regarding involuntary admission [3]. This has been contributed to by lack of reliable markers of psychiatric diagnoses and management plan for them. The admission to a psychiatric healthcare facility in Ireland may be involuntary, although till now, the vast majority of such admissions are voluntary. Involuntary admission means the patient does not freely agree for the treatment or admission to an inpatient psychiatric unit. The other part of such admission may be that even though the patient agrees for a voluntary admission, there may be detention of these patients into the units in that they are not completely free to leave psychiatric care on their free will. Thus this leads to a detention beyond volition, and detailed rules, regulations, and laws guide such principles. The Irish mental health policies regarding involuntary admission or detention are governed by the Irish Mental Health Act of 2001 and have been in full implementation since November 2006 and all psychiatric facilities including public and private are under its regulations. According to this act, the psychiatric hospitals and units need to be registered as appr oved psychiatric centres, and those hospitals and inpatient units which were providing care to people with psychiatric illnesses at the time of implementation of this law will be considered approved by November 2009. The mental health act 2001 sets out the criteria for involuntary admission to these approved centres for persons suffering from mental disorders. This act also creates provision for independent review of the involuntary admissions of such persons [4]. In a short summary, this act recommends involuntary admissions and detention in an approved psychiatric centre due to psychiatric disorder. The main scenarios or conditions that may cause involuntary admission are personality disorder, social deviance, drug addiction, and intoxication. Although psychiatric patients have their own rights, this act implies that involuntary admission is for the patients' own interests in care and treatment through appropriate examination findings of the psychiatrists, where all information will be revealed to the patients, and in case of incoherence, the tribunal may review such decisions where sometimes the court of law may interfere if appeals are made. These principles are also